
International Symposium on Creativity and Critical Thinking in Higher Education (Hybrid)

As visualisation of learning outcomes in higher education becomes a global challenge, growing interest emerged in how to foster creativity and critical thinking beyond knowledge and expertise limited to traditional disciplines. In this symposium, we will discuss the role of competency-based education as a cornerstone of transformative education in OECD’s discussions and the context of Japan, based on empirical research on environmental studies, service-learning and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) conducted at Sophia University and International Christian University.

4-6pm, JST, Sunday, December 15, 2024
Sophia University Yotsuya campus, Bldg. #2, Room 1701 (Max.100 sheets) orZoom (No limitation)
Japanese and English* (interpretation via Zoom)
Opening Remarks
Takashi Okada, Vice President for Academic Research Affairs, Sophia Univ.
Miki Sugimura, Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
Keynote Speech
1. Mr. Shun Shirai, Director, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office
2. Mr. Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin (online), Deputy Head of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)/Senior Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)
1. Prof. James Williams, Professor, International and Comparative Education, George Washington University, UNESCO Chair Holder in International Education for Development
2. Prof. Masahiro Nasu, Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
Panel discussion:
International Christian University: Mikiko Nishimura / Tatsuo Nunoshiba / Ryosuke Fujinuma
Sophia University: Taro Komatsu / Mikiko Sugiura / Miki Sugimura
Facilitator:Takehito Kamata Sophia Univ.
Wrap-up: Prof. Mikiko Nishimura
Closing Remarks: Miki Sugimura

*Simultaneous interpretation available only in Zoom. Please make sure to bring your own earphones to listen to interpretation from your equipment/mobile at the venue.

Registration required on the following website:


List of TOPICS